Buy the book, "Discover Your Diamond"

This book is a course in discovering your Diamond!
It is not by coincidence that you are reading about my book. You must be ready to discover your diamond. And it is my promise to you that if you follow the guidelines suggested in this book, you will discover your “diamond” effortlessly. This book will not only advise you on ‘what-to-do’, but will also hand-hold you on ‘how-to’ with simple step-by-step guidance, to uncover your diamond and make that shine too.
Know that the diamond, in most cases, is covered by ALGAE where ALGAE is nothing but Anger, Lust, Greed, Anxiety & Ego. And in other cases, the diamond remains just a rough stone, in absence of the necessary cutting & polishing. Just as the shine of the diamond comes from the cutting & polishing, similarly your life’s situations are designed to polish your diamond so it can shine!

Foreword by Dr. Anand Deshpande,
with tips on how to explore career growth and success.

It is not by coincidence that you are exploring this book. You must be ready to discover your diamond!

Know that your diamond is hidden in plain sight. This book will help you discover your diamond!

Discovering the Diamond
Just like the real gems lie in the deepest part of the earth, your treasures lie deep within you.