A stitch in time saves Nine
Jul 26, 2024
We have all heard this phrase many times. Now let’s see how it makes sense with time management and stress management. Let’s understand how actioning any important task is like 1 stitch, whereas actioning any urgent task is like 9 stitches.
When I look around, everyone looks super busy. They have more things to-do on their list than they can possibly complete in their lifetime. I see 2 reasons for this:
1. Lack of clarity. They have not done an 80/20 analysis consciously. They are not clear on what exactly is an important task that they have to action in a timely manner.
2. And because they are not actioning the “Important Tasks” in a timely manner, these tasks soon become “Urgent Tasks”. And then they have to work nine times (= nine stitches) to complete the same task, that they would have completed with one stitch.
Try it for yourself, and let me know your experience. Become clear on what the important tasks are, what we say in project management lingo, the tasks that are on the critical path! And action them in a timely manner. And then see how almost all the urgent tasks vanish from your life! And with that, all the unnecessary stress as well 😊
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