Become a Pro in Problem Solving
Jul 26, 2024
Problems are an essential part of life and problem solving provides us with the opportunity to grow!
Know that problems are simply a disconnect of reality with the mental model we have i.e. how things should be or should have been. As long as we are alive, we will have problems. Once we are dead, all our problems are also dead! So, in other words, we keep our problems alive.
In the face of a problem or a challenge, look for a way, and not a way out. This is because when you focus on the problem, the problem grows. However, when you focus on the solution, the solution becomes evident to you.
Let me illustrate this through a story. The lesson from this story is that life will throw dirt on you – all kinds of dirt. The trick is not to get bogged down by it but rather shake it off and take a step up every time society throws dirt on you. You can get out of the deepest troubles by acting creatively and never giving up.
Once, a donkey fell into a dry well. It cried for help. The donkey’s owner tried to figure out what to do to get the donkey out. Considering the donkey was old, he decided that it was not
worth the effort to save the donkey, and so he thought of covering the donkey with dirt to bury in the well. He sought the help of his neighbours. They came and began to shovel dirt into the well.
When the donkey realised what was happening, it cried helplessly. Then, to everyone’s amazement, it became very quiet. The donkey’s owner was surprised to see what the donkey was doing with the dirt. With every shovel of dirt that fell on the donkey, it shook it off and took a step up. As they continued to shovel dirt on top of the donkey, it continued to shake it off and step up. Pretty soon, to everyone’s amazement, the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and ran off.
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