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Challenges - your ticket to success!

Jul 26, 2024

We all have challenges, and quite often, they come disguised as problems! 

Every problem, every obstacle and every difficulty of our life provides us an opportunity to grow, to take our life to the next level. Embrace them as they are here to help us grow.

Begin to see every challenge, as a gift rather than a disaster. This attitude itself will totally transform your life for better!

Don’t we learn the most about horse-riding when we are on a difficult horse? Similarly, the adverse situations in life are great learning opportunities. They allow us to discover more of ourselves.

Just as the rocks, without going through the pain of chiseling, can never become beautiful rock monuments, our challenges in life are to chip away the excess to reveal the “beautiful statue” that we are, hidden in the rock form. Accept the chiseling!

If you have challenges, it actually means you are alive, means the universe is making you grow, so feel happy about them. The only place in this world, where people neither have problems or challenges, is actually the graveyard!

Remember, you are much bigger than any challenges that you are facing, don’t let them dwarf you. Become bigger than them! Trust that there is not a challenge that you can’t face if you put all your energy to it. The issue is that, we waste our energy on ego, anger, jealousy & resentment and thus not left with sufficient energy to face our challenges.

Your comfort zone is to rest in, it is to recharge yourself, not to live in. And so, if you live in your comfort zone, you will remain complacent, you will remain ordinary. However, when you go beyond your comfort zone, your life would become extra-ordinary!

Practice of constantly overcoming challenges and obstacles will grow you to the point where every they will become easy enough for you. Then life will tilt in your favour! Your life will be in cruise-control!

Be grateful for all the big challenges that come your way, as they make life interesting; overcoming them is what makes life meaningful. Embrace them, if you want your life to shine & sparkle!

Do not clutter your mind with thoughts of problems. Tap into the divine within you to find the way out. Trust that it has the solution to all your problems and is waiting to reveal it to you, when asked. Reach out to it. Meditate.

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