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Change your HAT, change your life!

Jul 26, 2024
HAT is Habits, Attitudes, and Thoughts

We are a product of our habits, our attitude, and our thoughts.

To change our life, we need to change the habit. Replace the existing habit with a new one, rather than changing an existing habit. Because it is very difficult to change a habit. Ponder over this: when you remove “H” from Habit, “a bit” remains. When you further remove “a”, then “bit” remains. And when you remove “b”, even then “it” remains!

Our attitude dictates our response to what happens in our life. With a positive attitude, we can always find a way out of any situation, A person with a positive attitude will create a possibility where others simply can’t see a way out. Your attitude, more than your aptitude, decides your altitude in life!

You are a product of your thoughts. Ordinary thoughts, ordinary you, and extraordinary thoughts, extraordinary you! If you analyse what you are thinking in your head and what you are attracting in your life, you will notice a direct co-relation between the two. What you think about all the time, is what you attract in your life. So, mind your thoughts. Your mind is very fertile. Whatever seeds (in the form of “thoughts”) you plant in, will sprout. Be mindful of what seeds you are planting in your mind through repetitive thoughts, as that’s what you will attract in your life.

If you need help in changing your HAT, please reach out to me.

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