Energy Audit - be mindful of your energy drains!
Jul 26, 2024
As you need energy to do anything and everything, it’s a good practice to do an energy audit regularly, to see how you are tracking so you can take the necessary steps to improve upon it. What gets measured, gets done!
The following 10 questions will highlight where you may be losing energy or where your energy may be blocked. Energy saved is energy gained!
Happy to provide tips & tricks for reaching a perfect score of 10 on all of these. You can reach out to me via this form detailing the are you need help with.
- If you get a score between 80 to 100, you are doing great! Keep doing it!
- If you get a score between 50 to 80, it’s a wake-up call, take action before it’s too late!
- If you get a score less than 50, it’s serious, you need to take immediate action!
Measuring your Energy loss and Energy blocks
Question |
Description |
Scoring method (10 is a perfect score)
Your score |
1 |
Not eating fresh seasonal fruits & vegetables on a daily basis. All the vital nutrients for the body come from the earth. Our body is 30% earth. |
Score 1 if not eating fresh seasonal fruits & vegetables, and 10 if you do everyday in adequate quantity. Score in-between as the case may be |
2 |
Not drinking adequate clean & fresh water on a daily basis Our body is 70% water, although doesn’t appear so. |
Score 1 if not drinking, and 10 if you do everyday in adequate quantity. Score in-between as the case may be |
3 |
Breathing shallow, meaning not breathing deeply. Breath is not just air, it is life-force energy that nurtures all the cells in your body. |
Score 1 if breathing shallow, and 10 if breathing deeply all the time. Score in-between as the case may be |
4 |
Not having sufficient sleep & rest. Are you trading your sleep for watching TVs or gossiping or such things? |
Score 1 if not having sufficient sleep & rest, and 10 if you do. Score in-between as the case may be |
5 |
Not having a well-structured to-do list All the unfinished tasks rob you of your energy and lead to stress. A stitch in time saves nine! |
Score 1 if not having a well-structured to-do list, and 10 if you do. Score in-between as the case may be |
6 |
Not decluttering your home, office & car. It is vital that your home & office are decluttered, clean, have fresh air and sunshine coming in. |
Score 1 if having a cluttered home, office & car, and 10 if you don’t. Score in-between as the case may be |
7 |
Having repetitive thoughts that serve no purpose. Through repetitive negative thoughts, you may be mentally whipping yourself to the point of torture. Think, only when you want to think. |
Score 1 if you have repetitive thoughts all the time, and 10 if you don’t have any. Score in-between as the case may be
8 |
Keeping computers or mobile phones in close proximity to where you sleep As they emit, radiate negative energy and impact your magnetic field as well. |
Score 1 if you do not, and 10 if you do. Score in-between if they are far away from where you sleep or from your head |
9 |
Not letting-go of anger, or regrets about the past, or worries about the future. Not letting-go keeps you crippled. Acceptance of what is, and taking responsibility to work for what you want is the way to go. |
Score 1 if can’t let-go, even if it’s costing you your life, and 10 if you can easily let-go what is not serving you in living the life of your dreams. Score in-between as the case may be |
10 |
Sleeping with your head not aligned to the earth’s magnetic axis (e.g. your head either in the South or in the North, depending on where you are on the planet). As then your energy field conflicts with earth’s magnetic energy field. |
Score 1 if it is not aligned, and 10 if it is. Score in-between if it is East or West or in between |
TOTAL SCORE (Add all the above scores)
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