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Multi-Tasking is a myth!

Jul 26, 2024
It actually takes more time to do the same set of tasks!

Our awareness can’t be 100% on two different things. For example, you are either typing or making a phone call at any given moment. It feels that you are doing both. That’s a false perception. In fact, multi-tasking slows you down because you keep jumping from one task to another. Also by not paying 100% attention to each task, the quality of output goes down. 

It is the ego that tries to multi-task. There are numerous courses and books on multi-tasking. It’s time we get real and focus on doing one task full attention, full awareness. The quality will be many times better plus the anxiety and stress will be less plus you are more likely to finish the tasks faster when not multi-tasking. Give it a try. Do only one task at a time with full awareness and see the difference for yourself!

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